It Begins!

Every journey begins somewhere, and ours began today!

With the anticipation of our log harvest, we have begun designing and building our laying yards. These laying yards will be the home to over 500 logs for the next several years as they provide them with the shade and moisture necessary to produce beautiful and delicious shiitake mushrooms!

Jeanne Mihail and Johann Bruhn made the trip down to Southwest Missouri to help in the selection of these laying yard sites. Our approach was to work with the naturally forested areas and allow them to dictate the optimal locations and designs of our laying yards based on shade, tree species and proximity to water. After scouting the plentiful timber for several hours, we located two perfect sites surrounded by an abundance of substrate trees.

In the next few weeks we will be building our laying yards and selecting our trees that will provide the substrate logs for our shiitake cultivation!


If You Build it, They Will Come